1. TIDINGS. A Siamese twin book

Book 1 is the book of inward-folded attention. Chantal Pollier made 47 collages out of necessity,
and gave them to a friend each time.
Book 2 exists by the grace of the others, they are the answers. She sent them a blank sheet with her gift to return something to her. Her friends gave something back.
The folds outwards reveal a fine web of encounters, stories, memories and thoughts.
Chantal to them, they to her.

The book was therefore created in collaboration with 47 people, Tina De Souter was responsible for the design and book binding.
The book is printed in a limited edition and is available in Menen during the exhibition ‘Remains’ of which Chantal Pollier is curator (from April 16, ’21 to May 31, ’21). It is also available in the bookshop of the Iceberg Foundation in Damme or through Chantal Pollier!

I also contributed to this. See the pictures below: the first is the work that Chantal sent me and the second my workin respons to this.